Virtually Unlimited Dial-Up Activation Monthly
Provides full dial-up access to the Internet. Includes the following: 1 Email account, 10mb of Storage, Unix Shell, Newsgroups, Personal Website ( $10 $20
Family / Small Office Dial-Up
Identical to the "Virtually Unlimited" account except that this account includes up to 5 individual email accounts, each with 10mb of storage space and 'Personal' Websites. Only one person may dial into Network Innovations at a time. $10 $25
Additional Dial-Up
If you already have the "Family / Small Office Dialup" service and you want to be able to dial in on more than one computer simultaneously, then this deal gives you additional dialup access at a discounted rate. (Limit to 3 connections per customer, refer to our Business Services for more options.) Waived $14 per additional connection
10 Hour Limited Dialup
Provides full dial-up access to the Internet. Includes the following: 1 Email account, 10mb of Storage, Unix Shell, Personal Website, 10 hours of access, $1.00 each additional hour over 10 during the course of the month. $10 $10
64k ISDN
Provides full access to the Internet. Includes the following: 1 Email account, 10mb of Storage, Unix Shell, Personal Website, virtually unlimited Internet access. $10 $20
128k ISDN
Provides full access to the Internet. Includes the following: 1 Email account, 10mb of Storage, Unix Shell, Personal Website, virtually unlimited Internet access. $10 $30